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Hey, it's Mike 👋

Mike shares his insights on the changing landscape of FAANG interviews and introduces Interview Monkey.

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Hey, it's Mike 👋

In 2019, getting into FAANG companies was relatively easier. LeetCode had only a few hundred questions, and if you solved the Blind 75, you were well-prepared for interviews. System design questions were typically reserved for senior or staff-level candidates.

However, the landscape has drastically changed. Following recent layoffs, the market has become extremely competitive, raising the bar for interviews. Aspiring candidates now need to spend hundreds of hours coding, and new graduates often enter the job market with 500+ LeetCode questions solved. Reading system design interview books has become essential even for junior to mid-level positions. Excelling in behavioral interviews is also crucial.

Today, everything needs to be perfectly aligned to secure a job, and there's a high probability that someone more qualified is vying for the same role.The high-stress, tough market conditions, coupled with unhelpful interviewers, exacerbate the situation. That's why I created Interview Monkey.

Increase Your Hiring Chances

Gain a competitive edge

Boost Confidence in Interviews

Approach interviews with confidence and leave a lasting positive impression on your interviewers.

Upgrade Your Role and Salary

Qualify for higher-level positions and secure better job offers

I hope that Interview Monkey helps you land your dream job.

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